Legal notices

Company name: UHY GVA
Registered office: 105 avenue Raymond Poincaré, 75116 Paris
Phone: +33 (0)1 45 00 76 00
Email :
Legal form: Société Anonyme à conseil d’administration (Corporation with board of directors)
Capital: €379,376
Trade register: 414 520 205 RCS Paris
VAT identification number: FR 63 414 520 205
Activity: Chartered accountancy and statutory auditing
Publication director : Philippe BONNIN, GVA Chairman and Managing Director


Groupe Alpha
Adress: 20 rue Martin Bernard, 75013 Paris
Phone: +33 (0)1 53 62 70 00

The content published on this website is for information only.
All rights reserved, with the exception of use authorised by copyright protection law.
The website may be modified or updated without prior notice.

Intellectual property rights

GVA is the owner of the website, its structure and content as well as all elements found on the website (texts, graphics, images, logos, etc.).

Any representation, reproduction or exploitation in whole or in part of the website content by any process whatsoever and on any medium is prohibited, except with the prior express written consent of GVA.


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Adobe Stock, Shutter Stock